Community Leaders Wanted
April 15, 2013
Are you the person that stops to help someone change a tire? Help someone reach something on the top shelf at HEB? Hold a door open for someone carrying packages? Go out of your way to help someone that you’ve never met before? If so, you are just the type of person we are looking for!
We are the Jollyville Volunteer Fire Department and we’re looking for people who want to do something to help their community. If you are an outgoing, intelligent person who is willing to make the required time commitment, and want to be a major contributor to your community, call or come by the station and we will discuss your possible future as a community servant.
The basic requirements are:
Ability to attend Monday night trainings each month
Willing to go the extra mile for your neighbor
Call (512-258-1038), check out the website ( or just come on by the station (9218 Anderson Mill Road) and we will see if you’ve got what it takes to be a “Community Leader.”